Our Team

Protein Industries Canada’s staff works with members and the entire value chain to help bring innovation to reality.

Senior Leadership Team

Program Team

  1. Headshot of

    Cynthia Callahan

    Senior Director of Project Operations
  2. Headshot of

    Lisa Campbell

    Senior Director of Programs
  3. Headshot of

    Christopher Marinangeli

    Director of the Centre for Regulatory Research and Innovation
  4. Headshot of

    Jennifer Jannuska

    Director of Data and Intellectual Property
  5. Headshot of

    Jerlene Halliday

    Program Manager
  6. Headshot of

    Kelly Fairbairn

    Project Manager
  7. Headshot of

    Lara Lima

    Program Manager
  8. Headshot of

    Melissa Hurst

    Project Manager
  9. Headshot of

    Navjot Brar

    Project Manager
  10. Headshot of

    Sai Vanga

    Program Manager
  11. Headshot of

    Steph Lunde

    Project Manager

Finance Team

Communications Team

Business Development

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