Improving protein in Canadian canola

Bill Greuel, CEO of Protein Industries Canada; Bryce Eger, President of Corteva Canada; Alanna Koch, Protein Industries Canada Board Member; and David Dzisiak, Chief Operating Officer of Botaneco


November 2019 to March 2023
Fund I: Complete

Consortia Contribution

Cluster Contribution






Create a long-term, step-change improvement in protein content in the Canadian canola crop. Open new, higher value markets and create economic benefits across the entire value-chain.

Project Summary

This project is designed to create a long-term, step-change improvement in protein content in the Canadian canola crop, by producing canola seed that is high in protein and lower in fibre, and creating new opportunities for canola meal. Corteva will drive this by making canola hybrids that produce high protein oilseeds for downstream use. High protein products delivered from breeding will be scaled up to provide seeds for processing by Bunge and Botaneco to generate meal and high value canola protein products, that are more competitive with other plant-based protein sources for human and monogastric markets, including poultry and pork. This will open new, higher value markets and create economic benefits across the entire value-chain.

Results and Impact

  • Built the scientific and technical foundation need for to Corteva to successfully make and deliver ProPound Meal hybrids with competitive yield, agronomics and oil content.
  • Generated six intellectual property filings.
  • Shared information, success and challenges with the plant-based food and ingredients ecosystem through Protein Industries Canada-facilitated webinars and events.
  • Collaborated with the University of Manitoba, National Research Council of Canada, and Canadian Grain commission to build productive, strong relationships.
  • Increased in number of employees, including co-op students.
  • Increased percentages of Botaneco employee diversity with: 46 per cent who identify as women, 43 per cent visible minorities, and 46 per cent immigrants to Canada.
  • Expected eventual replacement of most of US soybean meal, resulting in reduced green house gas emissions from transportation.
  • Not all feed studies were completed by the end of this project’s timeline.