Developing functional, sustainably produced faba ingredients

Technology Leadership PRIORITY

Ingredients; Products

June 2024 to March 2027
Fund II: In progress

Consortium Contribution

Cluster Contribution


Griffith Foods Ltd.

BFY Proteins

Botaniline, Inc.

Faba Canada Ltd.


To diversify and expand plant-protein options in grocery stores by developing new high-protein ingredients using Canadian faba beans

Project Summary

Griffith Foods, BFY Proteins, Botaniline and Faba Canada are each leveraging their expertise through the creation of functional, neutral-flavoured faba protein and processed ingredients for applications in consumer-packaged goods.

Faba Canada is extracting a high-protein faba ingredient from Canadian faba beans using a dry processing method, allowing for a higher protein concentration. In the process, they will also work to de-flavour the protein ingredient to reduce the earthy notes.

Griffith Foods will then use the faba ingredient to extrude it into other value-added protein ingredients that can serve various industries, including meat alternatives and breadings.

At the final link in the value chain, Botaniline and BFY Proteins will test the faba protein ingredients from Faba Canada and the processed protein ingredient from Griffith Foods in new consumer-ready food products. Using the new faba ingredients, the team will work to develop allergen-free and lower-sodium products, such as spreads and meat hybrids.

The partners are working to improve the processing method of faba bean proteins and processed ingredients to be scaled up until the ingredient can be commercialized.