Optimizing ingredient processing for pea and fava

Ingredients; Products
Consortium Contribution
Cluster Contribution
Lovingly Made Flour Mills
TMRW Foods
Dutton Farms
To develop optimal pea and fava varieties into protein ingredients that help meet the demands of ingredient processors, food manufacturers and consumers alike.
Project Summary
Throughout the course of the project, partners Lovingly Made Flour Mills, TMRW Foods and Dutton Farms will combine their expertise to add value to Canadian pea and fava crops. With their focus on developing optimal varieties into protein ingredients that meet the functionality needs of food processors, the partners are creating a full value-chain feedback loop that helps meet the demands of ingredient processors, food manufacturers and consumers alike. This will, in turn, help improve the affordability, nutrition and consistency of the end products, leading to a stronger domestic ingredient manufacturing industry and capturing new economic opportunity for Canada.
Beginning in the field, Dutton Farms will work with Lovingly Made to determine the best pea and fava varieties for use in Lovingly Made’s processing and extrusion methods. This will help Lovingly Made optimize their processing and extrusion methods, with the goal of developing new texturized vegetable protein ingredients. TMRW Foods will then test these ingredients, as well as use Dutton Farms’ varieties to extrude their own protein ingredients, for use in new meat alternative products for grocery and food service in Canadian and international markets.